The choral society is run by a committee which is elected from the membership at the annual general meeting. The committee meets approximately 4 times per year to discuss rehearsal and concert arrangements, repertoire, policies etc
Members are encouraged to approach the committee with questions and suggestions, and can contact their 'section supporter' via the Membership Secretary.

Elsa Williams             Chair
Bobbie Koen              General Admin, Membership and Meetings Secretary, Alto Rep
Anne Reynolds           Treasurer
Jenny Wollerton          Publicity, general support
Jane Howard              Refreshments and Social Events, Soprano Rep
Sue Griffiths               Refreshments and Social Events
Richard Jones             Marketing and Sponsorship, Tenor & Bass Rep
Moira Oliver               Posters and Flyers, Printing
Sophie Floate             Librarian
Pip Dealtry                 Publicity

Next meeting: 04 / 06 / 25
If you have anything you would like raised at a meeting simply contact the Membership Secretary.